I don’t know about you,

but I LOVED having Pastor Vernon and Mary Smith here this past weekend.

When I hear the word “missionary,” their faces come to mind. I’ve had the privilege of seeing their work in action in Tanzania and experiencing the power of their passion first hand.

I’m always amazed at how God works through the lives of missionaries. Seeing witch doctors, muslim leaders, and people hostile to the gospel come to Christ is an amazing thing.

Romans 10:14 says this,

But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?

It’s tempting to read a verse like this and automatically think “missionary.” Sometimes we get caught up in the idea that the ones who are supposed to go and tell are only those who are called to be missionaries.

*Wanna know a secret?*

We’re ALL missionaries! It’s true!

When we talk about reaching the world for Jesus, yes, we’re talking about the whole world, but we’re also talking about YOUR world—YOUR friends, YOUR family, YOUR co-workers. You live on a mission field! And while it might not be Africa, or Asia, or somewhere exotic and scary, your mission here to share the good news of what Jesus has done in your life is just as important. God put you where you are for a reason. There are people around you every day who just need to hear about the hope that they can have in Jesus.

Like Romans says, “How can they hear about it unless someone tells them?”

Now, I know that when you read this, at least one (maybe more) face(s) came to mind. What’s stopping you from telling them about Jesus?

You really don’t have to have the bible figured out in order to share your faith! You don’t have to be a theologian, be able to exegete the book of Daniel, or even be a great public speaker to do it.

ALL you have to be able to do is to share your story. You can do that in 3 easy steps!

1. What was your life like BEFORE you met Jesus?
2. HOW did you come to know Jesus?
3. How has your life CHANGED since meeting Jesus?

THAT’S IT!! If you can share those three things, you can tell anyone about Jesus!

The last thing I encourage you to do is to pray for one.

First, pray for one person that God has placed on your heart who needs Jesus. Pray for courage and confidence to share the Good News with them. Pray that they receive it and meet Jesus!

THEN, pray for one person a day to share your faith with. This will change your life AND your world. See, as christians we are called to REACH.

Lord, give us the grace and confidence in you we need to Reach our world for the glory of Your name.

I know it may be a little out of your comfort zone, but I believe in you! I know you can do it! Great Job!


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