Boy has life been different since March of 2020.
Things we took for granted are no longer expected. Things like going to a concert, going out to dinner, attending a sporting event, even attending a church service have all changed. The experiences of student life have all changed. Visiting someone in a nursing home or hospital has changed. Recognizing someone by their facial features or smile is pretty hard to do today. There have been a few times I have embarrassed myself by calling someone by name only to find out it was not that person at all. The list can really go on, and on, and on.

Over the past year my wife, Yvonne, and I have taken many road-trips, and we have discovered (and re-discovered) some of the countless amazing features of Western New England in many places between New Milford, CT and Brattleboro, VT. Things like a pretty cool restaurant that sits right on the Connecticut River in Brattleboro, the beauty of the Granville Gorge, countless spots along the Connecticut River, and The Quabbin Reservoir.

A couple weeks ago we were looking for a local farm with a restaurant. We found The Outlook Farm in Westhampton then at each crossroads we met, we took what looked like the most interesting country road. We eventually ended up in Williamsburg by the General Store. And, we have discovered that pretty much every Cumberland Farms has a restroom that is open to the public.

At this point, you may be saying, “That’s nice Bryan, but what’s your road trip adventures have to do with my spiritual life?”

That’s a good question.

Just as Western New England has so much to discover and re-discover, The Word of God continues to have much to discover and re-discover. Here are 4:

1. If you have been wondering lately—God really does love you.

“See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children,” – 1 John 3:1a (NLT)

9God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. 10This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.”
– 1 John 4:9-11 (NLT)


2. You can know where you are going to spend eternity. 

“I have written this to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life.” – 1 John 5:13 (NLT)

28And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. 29My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand.” – John 10:28-29 (NKJV)


3. People still “get saved” by simple faith in The Lord Jesus Christ.

9…if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation… 13For ‘whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.’” – Romans 10:9-10 & 13 (NKJV)


This is what Easter is all about – Jesus dying for our sin, being buried, and being resurrected by the power of God. It’s a story we each need to believe and we each need to share.

One more thing you need to discover or re-discover:

4. The Church is still God’s best idea for His people.

“So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God,” – Ephesians 2:19 (ESV)

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up.”
– 1 Thessalonians 5:11

“Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith.”
– Galatians 6:10

Over the past year, we have re-discovered that The Church is the best thing going for God’s people. It may look a little different, but God’s people are still there for fellowship, for prayer support, for encouragement, for sharing God’s love, and for friendship. The Church is still letting people know that Jesus is the answer to their sinful condition. That Jesus will come into their life and change them for their good and His glory.

If you haven’t trusted Jesus as your Savior—do it today. You can go to for info.

If you have trusted Him and haven’t been baptized yet—register today. The next baptism will be on Sunday, April 25th. Go to to register.

If you want to get better connected to The Church sign up to serve by going to

And if you want to experience the Christian life the way God intends go to and get connected to a LifeGroup.

These could be some of the greatest discoveries or re-discoveries you will ever make.