LifePoint Missions

The LifePoint Church Missions ministry exists to engage our church in the work of the gospel, from the Pioneer Valley to the world. We aim to bring a greater level of connection between missionaries and the people of LifePoint church

How Do We Do That?

We Go

Every Christian should be willing to go and share the gospel.

At LifePoint, we do this locally and globally. Every Christian has a responsibility to share the gospel right where they live with family, friends, colleagues and strangers who do not know Jesus Christ, and should be willing to go and share the gospel globally through short-term, focused mission trips organized by LifePoint.

We Pray

Every Christian should be praying for the advancement of the gospel. This includes praying for missionaries serving around the world.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 9:38 to pray for workers to be sent into the fields because they are ready for harvest. A healthy church must continually pray for the gospel to advance throughout the world. We regularly receives updates from missionaries about work happening in their field and how we can help them through lifting up specific matters of prayer.

If you would like to be part of the team of people who receive these updates and pray for, communicate with and encourage these missionaries, email and let us know!

We Give

Every Christian ought to give to the cause of the gospel around the world.

Romans 10:15 says, “how will anyone go and tell [those who have not yet heard the gospel] without being sent?”
Those who are called to be sent cannot be sent without much financial support from friends, family and churches. LifePoint sends thousands of dollars each month to financially support missionaries and organizations around the world so they can continue Kingdom-building where God has called them.

Partner With Us

Who We Support

At LifePoint we support missionaries and organizations both prayerfully and financially, supporting Gospel-advancing work happening right here in the Pioneer Valley and around the world.

*Note - there are missionaries who LifePoint regularly supports whose mission field is hostile toward Christianity. For their safety, we do not publicly publish their names or the location of their work.

North America

United States
Mark DuQuoy – AWANA Northeast

Fred & Joyce Davis – Vancouver, BC

The Caribbean & Central America
Scott & Gloria Brown – Mexico
Jerry & Liz Harmon – Puerto Rico
Larry & Sharon Lilly – Mexico
Maudi Meek – Costa Rica
John Ridings – Mexico
Rick & Fran Schuessler – Bahamas
Royce Vick – Mexico


Paul & Doris Brock – Germany
Bill & Debbie Crawford – Germany
Tom & Gail Gritts – England
Ron & Nancy Minton – Ukraine
Rick & Cheri Moeller – Scotland
Dan & Patty Peters – Hungary
Justin & Rachel Rhoades – England
Eric & Lisa Simpson – England


Vern & Mary Smith – Tanzania


Tom & Janice Crawford – Indonesia
Brenda Hayes – Philippines
Del & Lora Hooge – Philippines
Luke & Kelly Lyons – Philippines
Brian & Meredith O’Hara – South Korea


Richard & Kathleen Hester