LPKids Lock In Night is going to be a fun filled event with water ballon games, slip and slide kick-ball, gaga and more! We want our kids to come to know, and look forward to, the feeling of away camp. Sleeping under the stars (or in our case, hung white Christmas lights LOL) while being in fellowship with their friends and growing in community with others walking in faith with God. The sleep over and s’mores by a bonfire will be for our 3rd-5th grade graduates only. However, preschoolers to 2nd grade children are invited to attend from 6pm-8pm with their parents to enjoy the summer festivities. Please register all who will be attending this event. We will be serving hot dogs and hamburgers from 6pm to 7pm. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
LP|Kids Lock-In Night
July 12 - 13, 6:00 pm - 7:00 am 2024