Wanna hear something funny? Do you trust me?

“The most expensive thing in the world is trust. It can take years to earn and just a matter of seconds to lose.”

Trust is such a vital thing in all our relationships. I was just talking with a friend of mine down in Florida who told me his wife, “said that she loves me but she’s not sure if she can trust me anymore.”

Trust is a funny thing because it is not tangible, but when you no longer have it, it’s obvious.

The truth is my friend had made some choices that were not the best choices, and the result of those choices are some damaged trust. Now, they are working through it, and I am confident with God’s grace they are going to do just fine.

Another funny thing about trust is it is completely a choice. When you decide to trust or not to trust someone, you are making a choice. Now maybe the choice is an obvious no-brainer of a choice, but a choice nonetheless. So there are times in our lives when we are faced with a decision based on circumstances whether we are going to trust someone or not.

Sometimes in life the choice is not so obvious, and we struggle with that choice. 1 Peter 5:7 says, “Cast all your anxieties on Him because He cares for you.” By taking those choices to God and allowing Him to guide you through the rough waters, He can be your source of strength and wisdom. But we have to be willing to hand it over to Him and let Him have control.

Make no mistake, relationships are still tough and yes, trust really can be broken in a matter of seconds. But there is One who can always be trusted and has proven that He is trustworthy by laying His life down for us.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:5–6

Does God really want us to trust Him with everything? Throughout the Bible we can see where God is asking His people, do you trust Me?

Do you trust me, O Israel, to only collect a day’s worth of manna? (Exodus 16:15-20)
Do you trust me, Achan, to not collect the spoils of the land of Jericho? (Joshua 6:18)
Do you trust me, Gideon, to stop hiding in the wine press? (Judges 6:11)
Do you trust me, Joseph, to marry the woman with child conceived by the Holy Spirit? (Matthew 1:18-25)

It’s easy to say we trust God as we lay our cares at the altar on Sunday, only to begin pacing the floors on Monday. Then, by Tuesday, we’re fully entrenched in our worries and distrust and the weight of those cares is once again on our shoulders.

That passage in Proverbs is showing us something very real that we need to take note of. We cannot trust our own understanding or our own feelings. We need to trust the Lord in everything. When we trust Him in everything and stop relying on our own strength, wisdom, talents… He will guide us and help us to walk in His perfect will.

Do you trust Him? It’s no longer funny. Do you trust Him? He is the key to life, He is the key to joy, He is the key truth. Do you trust Him?

Each and every day, I pray that you Trust Him.