Do you ever try to be the lone wolf?

Sometimes I try to do things all by myself thinking that my way is the best way, so it will just be easier if I just do it by myself.

But the project always takes longer and turns out harder than I ever thought it would be. Sure, it gets done the way I want it to, but that often isn’t the best way it could have been had I received some other guidance or advice, or even extra hands.

Unfortunately, that attitude can easily seep into our everyday life, thinking that we’ve got this, I can do it all by myself.

But you know, that is not how God intended for us to live our life. You and I need to be surrounded by loving, supportive people throughout our life. Laughing together, crying together, and being there for each other.

Life’s burdens become easier when they are shared.

When Moses was trying to do it all by himself, he received some wise words of counsel from his father-in-law:

“This is not good!” Moses’ father-in-law exclaimed. “You’re going to wear yourself out—and the people, too. This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself.”
Exodus 18:17-18

Life truly is better when we are together. That isn’t just a clever phrase, it’s the best life that we can live! Jesus promises,

“Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them,”
Matthew 18:20

Our Lord is always present with us, of course. But when we, His people, gather together, He comes to us in a uniquely blessed way. Together, we hear God’s word of hope! Together, we pray and know that our prayers are heard! Together, we celebrate our Savior’s goodness, receiving His forgiveness. And together, we walk with and encourage one another.

There’s an old saying, “When you run alone, you run fast. But when you run together, you run far.”

Life is not a 40-yard dash; it’s a marathon and it can be an arduous one at that. The only way you’re going to finish the race well and not burn out is by having other people involved in your life through meaningful relationships. Somebody to share the load, somebody to lean on when it gets tough to tell you not to quit, somebody who cares enough to tell you if you veered off the path and will be there to help you get back on track.

“As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.”
Ephesians 4:16

There are situations that nobody should ever have to go through alone. Nobody should ever have to wait alone in the hospital while a loved one is in a life-or-death surgery. No woman should ever have to wait alone for the lab report on a potentially difficult pregnancy. Nobody should have to stand alone at the edge of an open grave. Nobody should have to spend the first night alone after a spouse has died or walked out. And countless other scenarios where we need the comfort of another to help us get through.

God intended for us to be together in community, sharing one another’s blessings and mournings.

“Be happy with those who are happy and weep with those who weep,”
Romans 12:15

Community is God’s answer to despair. You were made to share your life with others! Trust me, you have something to offer others, even if you do not realize it. Your presence alone can be just the thing that someone needs. And, by the way, you have needs that only others can meet.

That is why LifeGroups are vitally important in the ministry of LifePoint Church. Because together we are stronger, together we are wiser, together is how we are meant to live.

If you are not connected with a LifeGroup, you are missing a piece of life that God meant for you to have. We know your schedule is crazy—that’s why we have groups available on every day of the week. LifeGroups are filled with people just like you, imperfect people who want, who need, to connect and grow together. We even have groups that meet online so that everyone has the option to connect with a group of people who love Jesus, and in turn love one another. Let me encourage you, right now, to click here and find a group that you can connect with. I know that step, no matter how hard it is for you to take, will be a huge encouragement in your life.

Remember, we are better together! Jesus loves you and He gave you people to share life with who love you too!


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